Wilson Reading System®

Wilson Reading System® – WRS is an intensive Tier 3 program for students in grades 2-12 who have not made sufficient progress through their current intervention; have been unable to learn with other teaching strategies and require multi-sensory language instruction due to a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia. (www. wilsonlanguage.com, 2019 Wilson Language Training Corp.)
This reading system directly and systematically teaches students how to fluently and accurately decode. It is unlike traditional phonics programs in that instruction is very interactive and multi sensory. It also thoroughly teaches total word construction where students learn to encode (spell) as they learn to decode.
Gateway Lab School is the only public school in Delaware to offer the Wilson reading program to students who could benefit from this type of intensive intervention.
Click on this link for more information about Wilson Reading:  https://www.wilsonlanguage.com/programs/wilson-reading-system/